Prinsip Terapi dan Penanganan Dengan NDT

Prinsip-prinsip NDT:
1. Kemampuan mekanik setelah mengalami lesi atau dengan menggunakan penanganan yang tepat memungkinkan untuk diperbaiki
2. Lesi pada susunan saraf pusat menyebabkan gangguan fungsi secara keseluruhan namun dalam NDT yang ditangani adalah motorik.
3. Spastisitas dalam NDT dipandang sebagai gangguan dari sikap yang
normal dan kontrol gerakan.
4. Pembelajaran pada gerakan yang normal merupakan dasar gerakan dapat
dilakukan jika Tonus normal.
5. Mekanisme Postural Reflex yang normal merupakan dasar gerakan yang normal.
6. Otot tidak tahu fungsi masing-masing otot tapi pola geraknya.
7. Gerakan dicetuskan di sensoris dilaksanakan oleh motorik dan dikontrol
oleh sensoris.
Tujuan konsep NDT :
1. Memperbaiki dan mencegah postur dan pola gerakan abnormal.
2. Mengajarkan postur dan pola gerak yang normal.
Prinsip terapi dan penanganan :
1. Simetris dalam sikap dan gerakan
2. Seaktif mungkin mengikuti sertakan sisi yang sakit pada segala kegiatan.
3. Pemakaian gerakan-gerakan ADL dalam terapi.
4. Konsekuensi selama penanganan (ada tahap-tahap dalam terapi).
5. Pembelajaran bukan diarahkan pada gerakannya, tetapi pada perasaan gerakan.
6. Terapi dilakukan secara individu.
Teknik terapi:
Metode NDT mempunyai beberapa teknik : 1) Inhibisi dari postur yang abnormal dan tonus otot yang dinamis, 2) Stimulasi terhadap otot-otot yang mengalami hypertonik , 3) Fasilitas pola gerak normal (Rood, 2000).
1. Inhibisi
Suatu upaya untuk menghambat dan menurunkan tonus otot. Tekniknya disebut Reflex Inhibitory Paternt.
Perubahan tonus postural dan patern menyebabkan dapat bergerak lebih normal dengan menghambat pola gerak abnormal menjadi sikap tubuh yang normal dengan menggunakan teknik “Reflex Inhibitory Pattern”.
2. Fasilitasi
Upaya untuk mempermudah reaksi-reaksi automatik dan gerak motorik yang sempurna pada tonus otot normal. Tekniknya disebut “Key Point of Control”.
a. Untuk memperbaiki tonus postural yang normal.
b. Untuk memelihara dan mengembalikan kualitas tonus normal.
c. Untuk memudahkan gerakan-gerakan yang disengaja, diperlukan dalam aktifitas sehari-hari.
3. Stimulasi
Yaitu upaya untuk memperkuat dan meningkatkan tonus otot melalui propioseptif dan taktil. Berguna untuk meningkatkan reaksi pada anak, memelihara posisi dan pola gerak yang dipengaruhi oleh gaya gravitasi secara automatic.
Tapping: ditujukan pada group otot antagonis dari otot yang spastic.
Placcing dan Holding: Penempatan pegangan.
Placcing Weight Bearing: Penumpukan berat badan.

BACA JUGA:  Terapi Untuk Cidera Rotator Cuff

Web camera software detects activity, sounds
siren, captures snapshots, records video, and sends captured images by email

Web camera software identifies movement, sounds alarm, captures snapshots, records video, and sends captured images by e-mail
Web cameras
are not bad for more than just making online conversations
more practical. They can furthermore be
an enormously effective device
for use in residence or business security.


is now accessible that can sense movement and use
it as a trigger for countless procedures.

The way that
it works is to study the picture sent by a camera that is either connected using USB
or through a video capture device for motion. When it picks up
that movement, it can after that take any number of events,
including triggering an siren.
A more popular application, though, is to either
send live pictures of what is happening in the field that is covered by the camera
or to even webcast via online streaming precisely what is
happening with both sound and image. If installed stealthily,
this application could even be used for covert surveillance.
Given the
large amount of systems that either have a web camera connected
or can support one, this is an perfect way to inexpensively and simply defend
the area across that pc
from intrusion or burglary.

BACA JUGA:  5 Komponen Kebugaran

I’m using webcam software. I
can broadcast Online video to view my home
from everywhere.

Web camera software detects movement, sounds alarm, captures images, records video, and sends captured images by e-mail

With my new

webcamera software
, I can run a broadcasting tv station
of my site viewable online. This opens up a number
of possibilities, the surface of which has not even been scratched in today’s world. I can use
this webcast for surveillance purposes, allowing me to watch what’s going on in my site
at any time from a remote watching station.
As long as I have the camera
running and a remote computer with Online access, I can view the room.
With the application and the webcam, I can change the options to capture picture,
sense motion (if I don’t want to keep the webcam running at all times),
or use a combination of a live feed and recorded video to realize a protection
system that takes full advantage of nevest technology.
With a capture card,
I can simply transmit related video and screenshots to use on
any pc.
With sensitive files on my computer
and valuable property in my room,
it only makes sense to have a protection setup that I can monitor whenever I feel that my privacy
is being compromised. If I owned a small firm or lived with roommates, I couldn’t imagine
living without it.

BACA JUGA:  Efek dari Ketuaan dan Disuse Terhadap Tubuh Pada Sistem Otot

New professional protection software works with
any web camera, Internet cameras, and major capture cards.

Webcam software detects motion, sounds alarm, captures images, records video, and sends captured images by email

Security application

has become so sophisticated that the typical
user who has been busy minding his business instead of pouring over electronics and online
technology articles can be easily overwhelmed when it comes time to setup or modernize his surveillance system.

Fortunately, there is new professional security application that simplifies much of the decision making.
You don’t necessarily have to get rid of a working analog closed circuit TV system in order to modernize to a broadcasting
video that can be monitored from any online connected pc or 3G phone. Video capture cards can digitally convert the
images for broadcast. Until yesterday, there had been no real attempts to regulate the new Internet
cameras; every make and manufacturer functioned a little differently. And when you throw web cameras into the
mix, using one software to rule them all was unwieldy.

Professional security application

is now available that will work for any webcamera
or Internet camera and for most capture cards as well. You can supervise anything your activity
detectors are picking up at your room or business while you can be half a world away.
The software itself may not be simple, but it can get life simpler for you.