Pemeriksaan fisik Pada Shoulder

Physical examination at the shoulder begins with a visual inspection. Inspection begins at the time the patient entered the room. The way he walked, evaluation of similarity and symmetry movements. In the superior limb, in a normal step, swing rhythmically with the inferior extremities. At the time the patient opened her clothes and belt, observing the rhythm of shoulder movement. Normal movement looks smooth, natural and quality. Abnormal movements appear on the one hand are choked or later, and often shown with a patient who tried to move but not helpless. The pain occurs at the time would move so that did not happen because of painful motion. The signs to be inspected is primarily a warm feeling of change if there is a bubble, discoloration, erosion, scarring and other signs that indicate a pathology.
Like when her inpection, compare the two sides, presence or Absence of signs of specific disorders of Anatomical shape in general. An easy way to determine the abnormality by comparing the two sides. By comparison, it will get more variations possible. This method is a good way to conduct a physical examination, and not just inspection, which is the right guidance, but also palpation, ROM tests and a good neurological exam. Things usually apparent asymmetry. For example, one hand may depend on an abnormal position, the other adduct (turn into) crosses in front of the body or body away from the abduction, showed the real distance on the axilla or arm may be internal rotation and adduction, the position of a servant who questions.
Clavicle prop and lock the scapula bone in the posterior part of the thorax and spun to prevent the anterior glenoid. Then up to the medial from the manibrium sterni and extends to the acromion leteral. Only in the platysma muscle to the surface it crosses. Clavicle is located close to subcutaneous, visible and prominent on the skin. In a fracture or dislocation they usually will look real. The presence of a normal peak clavicle on the skin is a limit (of clavicle) that form the shoulder determination significantly.
Further inspection in the deltoid of the Shoulder, which is a major muscle group in Girdle’s shoulder in the anterior part. Musculus deltoid around the shoulder of the acromion to the humeral tubercle mayus. Normally, surrounded by a shoulder muscle groups fully and both sides symmetrical. However, if the deltoid Atrophy, under mayus humeral tubercle will be a more visible form, and form long deltoid invisible from the outside line on the shoulder. Form of shoulder abnormality could be caused by shoulder dislocation, if mayus humeral tubercle appear to move forward, which is common in some cases, loss of shoulder lateral side and looks like being below the shoulder and upper arms hanging at your sides away from the trunk.
Deltopectoral group walked from the medial side of the shoulder and just underneath the clavicle wrapped. This group is a meeting of the fibers musculus musculus deltoid and pectoralis major and is one of the efficient location of the anterior shoulder to surgical incision. This also shows that the surface is a sign for cephalica vein, which is used to cut the vein below if there is no other veins are obtained.
In posterior midlain (diameter) of the body, from the form of processus spinosus, is a middle line between the scapula. With a record of whether the spine is straight, without bending to the outer side (scoliosis). Spine curve can occur from a shoulder that menghaadap down from the other, with the more dominant muscle. Sometimes excessive thorak curved spine or kiposis, this is usually due to disease or Scheurmann’s Jouvenile kyphosis.

BACA JUGA:  Diagnosis Angina